Are Dogs Faster Than Cats – Who Is the Winner


Dogs and cats exist in the home and the wild. Everyone has seen a cat or a dog sprinting down the road, running from something, or chasing an animal for dinner. If you love these animals, you might wonder – which is faster? Are dogs faster than cats?

Although there is a difference between domesticated and wild animals, most dogs are faster than cats in a pet situation. If we take it to the wild, many cats are much faster than dogs in their natural environment.

If you’re interested in learning more about the speed of dogs and cats, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more about why dogs are faster than cats, domesticated vs. wild, and how much faster a dog is than a cat. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to understand the world. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get started.


Why Are Dogs Faster Than Cats?

Dogs are faster than cats when we look at most canines and felines. However, it is important to realize that many cats are built to the same level, whereas dogs vary by breed, and therefore their athletic ability will also vary. They can rush through a yard faster than cats, catching prey and racing after intruders. Why are dogs faster than cats? What makes them able to move at a faster speed:

Here are a few reasons why dogs are faster than cats:

  • Body shape: Dogs are shaped in a way that makes them powerful runners, with smaller dogs having great acceleration due to their back legs.
  • Muscle: Dogs tend to have more muscle than cats, this power allows them to continue running for longer.
  • Perseverance: Dogs have a much better level of perseverance than cats. Cats are most likely to give up the chase before they can max out their top speed.

These three characteristics make dogs better overall runners than cats. However, as stated before this will depend on breed and lifestyle. Domesticated dogs are more likely to be sharing human food with their owners and so this will inhibit their athletic ability somewhat.

Dogs are the clear winner when we examine domesticated animals. However, there is a difference in speed between domesticated and wild varieties of both animals. It’s critical to consider these.

Domesticated Vs. Wild

Domesticated animals live in homes. They cuddle with you at night and eat from a bowl you lay out for them. On the other hand, wild animals have to brave the cold and work hard to catch their next meal. They live to survive in the wild, and thus there is a variety in speeds.

Let’s talk about the varieties in speed between cats and dogs within their breed. You will note a clear difference between the two.


Cats are fast, whether they are in the wild or live inside a home. While dogs beat out domestic cats when it comes to speed, there is a difference in the wild. After all, the fastest animal in the world is a cat! What is the variation in speed between domestic and wild cats?

Here are the average speeds for each variety of feline:

  • Domestic: Domestic cats can run an average of 30 mph.
  • Wild: Wild cats can hit speeds of up to 75 mph.

The difference is clear between the two genres of cat. The obvious difference is the way they take chances in their separate environments. It has to be agreed Cats are resourceful creatures, taking advantage of a situation when it presents itself, this does not change between domestic and wild cats. Domesticated cats know where their next meal comes from and they get used to the fact they don’t need to work for it. On the other hand, wild cats have to fight tooth and nail to get a good meal, any energy expelled in the wild is quick and ruthless, putting everything into the few opportunities they get.  

Dogs might have the upper hand in the home. However, in the wild, they don’t stand a chance against cats like the cheetah.


Dogs are faster than cats in the home. However, they start to fall behind when it comes to the wild. These dogs are not as fast as animals such as cheetahs when it comes to the world outside the comfort of home. What is the difference in speed between domestic and wild dogs?

Here are the speeds for each variety of canine:

  • Domestic: The fastest dog can hit 40 mph.
  • Wild: The fastest wild dog can reach 45 mph.

There is an obvious difference between the two, but not too much.

Wild dogs and domestic dogs aren’t too different in their speeds. However, there is a huge difference when it comes to felines. Dogs win on the homefront, but they fall far behind when discussing the wilderness. Coyotes and wolves are fast, but not as fast as a cheetah.


How Much Faster Is a Dog Than a Cat?

At home, a dog is about 10 mph faster than a cat. The fastest dog at home could easily outpace a feline if they were to chase them in their yard.

Here is the fastest domestic dog versus the fastest domestic cat:

  • The greyhound can hit a maximum speed of about 45 mph
  • The Egyptian Mau can reach more than 30 mph

There is a clear difference.

Taking it to the wild provides a different answer. The coyote can hit about 45 mph, while the cheetah can sprint to about 75 mph. There are arguments to be made for both animals.

Do Dogs Have Faster Reflexes Than Cats?

Dogs are faster than cats. In a yard, they can outrun them in all circumstances at home. Reflexes are a different story. This skill permits the animal to react and even land on its feet in the case of a fall. Do dogs have faster reflexes than cats, or is it the other way around?

Cats have much better reflexes than dogs – 1.5x better. This ability allows them to:

  • Catch prey easier
  • Hit the road when there is danger
  • Weave and dodge obstacles
  • Land on their feet when they fall

Cats are more durable thanks to their reflexes.

If a dog chases a cat, it might be easy for them to catch the cat. However, the feline can dodge and weave much better than opponents. It’s important to remember that cats tend to be smaller than dogs. If a domestic cat was the same size as a domestic dog, the tables would be turned. Check out our article “How High Can Dogs Jump” for more information on your dogs athletic abilities. 


Cats and dogs have long been opponents in the wild and at home. In a domestic area, dogs are much faster than cats. When we look at the wild, cats come out on top. Cats are also more agile than dogs, allowing them to dodge and weave faster when they are on the move.

We hope this information was helpful! The more you know about these animals, the more your knowledge will grow about the world. Cats and dogs have different abilities, but both are well-adapted to survive in the world. They both make excellent pets in the home.

Dean Lissaman

As a child I grew up around dogs and have loved them ever since. I now have a beloved Golden Retriever who enjoys exploring the outside world. Being an outdoor enthusiast has inspired me to create the ultimate resource on relating both dogs and the outdoors. For more information on me check out my about page.

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